The Los Angeles County Fire and Sheriff Department along with the City of La Mirada have created a safety dome around its residents and the city. The average response time in is less than four minutes! That's impressive!

Along with La Mirada Public Safety Team the city is constantly vigilant to crime activity from without and from within. Yet, we will not sit on these laurels I will personally committed myself to seeing that La Mirada residents and business continue to receive, as they have this past year, 110% from our first responders efforts and commitment to La Mirada.
I recently presented to the Council at their Study Session a plan for La Mirada Chamber of Commerce member, Certified Assessment Consultants, which owned by several LAPD officers (They specializes in Event Security, Physical Security and Active Threat Assessment). To partner up with La Mirada Public Safety Team and work together to increase security awareness for business and other city needs. They like many of us wish to give back to the community, They also, will be a key partner in my second plan to increase the "My LaMirada" App from approximately 2700 current users to 5000 users by the end 2020. If you currently do not have the
"My LaMirada" App, it will add to your security as a resident in the city. Click here to see what it does.
Part 1 and Part 2 crime activity is down 12% to 14% in 2019. There will be a final Crime Report in late February 2020. But for now the preliminary data speaks well of the tremendous and magnificent effort that LA Sheriff, LAM Public Safety and indeed all members of Public Safety such as Code Enforcement, Animal Control, Ham Radio Operators, Probation Officers and LA County Fire Department. Thanks guys!
While we will never have zero crime, we can develop in ourselves as residents, a situational awareness of our neighborhoods environment. We should never be caught unaware of what is normal and what is not normal. Our daily participation, be it small or large, is key to the overall success of all our Public Safety programs.